

先日、映画を英語字幕つきで見ていたら、"He is left"という表現が出てきて、おやっと思った。おそらく、"He has left"を誤って記載したのかと考えるのだが、これをみて、ふと考えるものがあった。

"He is left"は、「彼は左だ」となるところに違和感を覚えたのだが、これが「彼は居ない」という意味だとするならば、その反対語の"He is right"はどういう意味なのだろうかと思ったのだ。


right (adj.2)
"opposite of left," early 12c., riht, from O.E. riht, which did not have this sense but meant "good, proper, fitting, straight" (see right (adj.1)). The notion is of the right hand as the "correct" hand. The usual O.E. word for this was swiþra, lit. "stronger." "The history of words for 'right' and 'left' shows that they were used primarily with reference to the hands" [Buck]. Cf. similar sense evolution in Du. recht, Ger. recht "right (not left)," from O.H.G. reht, which meant only "straight, just." The usual PIE root (*dek-) is represented by L. dexter (see dexterity). Other derivations on a similar pattern to English right are Fr. droit, from L. directus "straight;" Lith. labas, lit. "good;" and Slavic words (Boh. pravy, Pol. prawy, Rus. pravyj) from O.C.S. pravu, lit. "straight." The political sense of "conservative" is first recorded 1794 (adj.), 1825 (n.), a translation of Fr. Droit "the Right, Conservative Party" in the French National Assembly (1789; see left).

確かに、"The history of words for 'right' and 'left' shows that they were used primarily with reference to the hands"と両手を参照している。比較としてleftをみてみた。

c.1200, from Kentish form of O.E. lyft- "weak, foolish" (cf. lyft-adl "lameness, paralysis," E.Fris. luf, Du. dial. loof "weak, worthless"). It emerged 13c. as "opposite of right," a derived sense also found in M.Du., Low Ger. luchter, luft. Ger. link, Du. linker "left" are from O.H.G. slinc, M.Du. slink "left," related to O.E. slincan "crawl," Swed. linka "limp," slinka "dangle."



"something left over," 1891, from left + over. As an adj., "remaining, not used up," from 1897.



on the side of your body which is towards the west when you are facing north


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